Raul Lopez On Winning “Best Photography”


Donated by: Raul Lopez

Lindsey Smith, Arts & Entertainment Editor

   For senior Raul Lopez, a multi-talented high school student who will be attending Florida Polytechnic University, photography was an enjoyable pastime that recently opened doors to new possibilities. 

   Raul’s interest in photography started blossoming when he went on a European tour. “I took my first formidable photos during the summer of 2018. I went on a European tour with my parents, traveling across Spain, France, Switzerland, and Italy…” Entranced with the cultures and the architecture, he captured it all and thus began his adventure in the world of photography. “…I suppose the captivating lifestyles, sceneries, landscapes, and architecture called for my photographic investment. I created a photography Instagram page called @rahools.camera (which is still up and active!) and started uploading the shots I took. In essence, traveling around the world inspired me to open both my eyes and my camera lens.”

   At the young age of 13, Raul pulled out a camera and captured anything and everything. Although photography is not a passion Raul wishes to pursue as a future career, it is a hobby that he plans on continuing throughout the course of his life. “I have been taking pictures for fun since about age 13. I find much pleasure in capturing moments, eternally, through the lens of my camera. While I plan on pursuing computer science as a profession, I most definitely will continue to take pictures every moment I can…” Photography requires a careful eye, intense focus, and practice. Fortunately, Raul has a photographer’s touch and his skills have progressed, creating a whirlwind of opportunities that wouldn’t have been possible without his commitment and dedication to the artform. “…This last year alone, the quality of my work has increased tenfold; further, receiving recognition at the congressional level fuels my desire to take the best shots possible. I plan on taking pictures for as long as I’m alive…” 

   With the end of senior year coming to a close, Raul expressed his feelings toward winning the award for “Best Photography” at the Congressional Art Competition. “…‘Last-hurrah’ is quite the way to describe the reception of this award. This year has yielded much success for me, but I’m especially happy with the… congressional art competition award. The fact that I’m recognized for this outside of school fills me with a warm, fuzzy feeling…” he stated. Raul also expressed his appreciation for his current photography teacher, Mr. Foreman: “…Not to mention, I know it made Mr. Foreman happy and proud, which is what he deserves to feel; I appreciate him very much.”

   Raul is one of the many seniors about to embark on a new journey, and with his enjoyment of photography, not to mention the skills he possesses, Raul is sure to capture the moments of time and create scenes that will not only inspire, but allow others the opportunity to wonder.


 “Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still.”

– Dorothea Lange