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The Student News Site of Pembroke Pines Charter High School


The Student News Site of Pembroke Pines Charter High School


The Student News Site of Pembroke Pines Charter High School



Speed. Quality. Ease. Hope. Connection.

It’s the last of that list that best defines the reasons the CHAT newspaper brings you its website. Welcome, by the way.

Connection. If a newspaper doesn’t have it, what reason do you have to visit—and spend time with us? That’s why we offer stories and photos with speed that strike a chord, touch a nerve, and make you blink. Connect.

We hope you like our quality display, and that each category appeals to you in some way. If not, fill out one of our polls, comment, or write us a letter to the editor. We VALUE your input and strive to take your advice with integrity. 

We published this site during one of the most trying times in our history, the Coronavirus pandemic. Our hope is that this site will provide Pembroke Pines Charter High with a forum of student life, exploits, and stories that matter during this tumultuous time—to stay connected now and in the future. 


That C.H.A.T. is an official publication of the Pembroke Pines Charter High School (PPCHS). The content of our newspaper is not necessarily the opinions of our advisers and administration. The C.H.A.T staff welcomes any comments to the editors and/or staff. The C.H.A.T. is a publication of C.H.C. (Charter High Communications) sponsored by the Communications and Technology Department of PPCHS.


In the event that an editor or staff members do not agree with the adviser on the content of a topic in the CHAT Newspaper, the adviser will have the final say as to what goes into the CHAT newspaper. The adviser may exercise the right to approach administration for their input to reinforce their decision. It is the adviser, not the students, who will approach administration on these issues. Staffers are still student journalists and are under the guidance of the advisor and the school. In regards to Hazelwood vs. Kuhlmeier, students still need the guidance so they can mature and learn in a school setting. That is why the school authority, whether it is the newspaper advisor or the school principal, has the ultimate say in what goes in the CHAT newspaper.

All legitimate commercial and political advertising is acceptable for publication within the followingguidelines:
1. The statements in the ads must be accurate.2. No misleading statements are acceptable.3. Ads may not encourage the breaking of laws, regulations or ordinances, including sale orpurchase of alcohol or tobacco to minors, sale of drugs or term papers, or participation inother illegal or inappropriate behavior.4. Ads that are deemed in bad taste or make racist or sexist comments or degrade a competitiveorganization will not be accepted.5. In case an advertising photograph or graphic might be considered controversial, suchphotograph or graphic will be shown to your adviser immediately.6. If there is a question about any of these points, the ad will be brought before the EditorialBoard where the issue will be decided by majority vote.7. The CHAT Newspaper or PPCHS is not responsible for loss of picture quality if thesubmitted ad needs to be scanned, changed to a different format, or modified in any way. It isbest to submit a digitized finished advertisement to ensure precision.NOTE: CHAT reserves the right to discontinue any advertisement for infraction of the above and/orlack of payment.
Please complete the form below for advertising inquiries.
In the event of the death of a student, faculty member, or staff member, the CHAT (at request) will write a memorial obituary that includes a biography of the individual, the circumstances behind the death, and achievements and memories in honor of them.
Students, teachers, and staff are invited to submit work of their own to be published in The CHAT (subject to approval). Each quarter an overall theme is assigned to the Columns section in which writers can write according to the theme. The story must be authentic and provide journalistic quality. No entries will be accepted that promote or endorse businesses or companies.
For Columns inquiries, please visit our social media pages @ppchsnewspaper and send us a message.
NOTE: Writers outside of the CHAT staff may submit work for publication. If any outside work is accepted for publication, the writer will receive a “Special to the CHAT” byline. No work will be accepted without the writer’s name.


The Chat wants to hear from YOU! We welcome letters to the editor to feature your very own opinion. Letters must be signed. The staff reserves the right to edit letters for poor taste, libel, and space. Drop off letters in room C117 or visit our Staff page and contact us by email. 



FSPA All-Florida Online Media

FSPA “Sunshine Standout” Online Media

Florida Online Journalist of the Year – Valerie Questell

FSPA Selected Session Speakers: Brielle Gari & Alexia Rivera

All-Florida Winning Entries: Marcus Deane, Tatiana Cruzado, Gabriela Martinez, Isabella Cely-Garcia, Daniel Morrison, Justin Betancourt, Dylan Williams, and Marissa Levinson


FSPA Silver Rating for Online Media

All-Florida Winning Entries: Valerie Questell & Daniel Morrison


FSPA Bronze Rating for Online Media