Boosting Your Future with the Career Guidance Club


Donated by Samanta Briceno

Rebekah Barrera, Staff Writer

  “What do you want to be in the future?”

     The question is sprang up at us from the moment we could talk, founding innocent dreams of working in the most popular or “coolest” professions known amongst little kids. Chances are, when you were popped the question, you answered that you wanted to be a firefighter, teacher, dancer, scientist, or something else of the common dream job essence. As we grow older, more forces come into play that lead us to question and then proceed to change our career choice multiple times. But the truth is, even with the pressing time crunch as highschoolers, a lot of us are still completely unsure of what area we want to work in in the future.

     Whether you’re pressured to work a certain job, don’t know how to lay a foundation for your chosen career, or just have no realistic idea of what profession to get into, we could all use some helpful advice from those with experience.

     In the absence of a Career Day, the Career Guidance Club provides students with opportunities to plan their post-high school futures. Vice President of the club, senior Jeevanesh Sathiaseelan, says that “the purpose of the Career Guidance Club is to offer paths for the kids at Pines Charter High who are unsure about their endeavors after high school, and provide them insight for different career opportunities in the local area.”

     Members of the club get to experience orientations from professionals of various fields, giving students the chance to ask questions, receive answers, and dive deeper into the career they’re interested in. Jeevanesh personally wants kids to take advantage of this as he, too, once felt nervous about what was in store for him in the future until he planned it out.

     One student in the Career Guidance Club, sophomore Sebi Reyes-Farinas, has already seen the value of the events the organization has to offer. She expresses that “CGC has truly allowed me to expand my horizons in career paths for the future.” She shares how she knew she always wanted to be a lawyer, but the club helped her realize what kind she wanted to be: a medical malpractice lawyer.

     The Event Coordinator of CGC, sophomore Janessa Montilla, further elaborates on the club’s goal to “help students feel comfortable before going into college, and help them feel confident in their career choice.” After attending meetings, they want kids to feel a sense of genuine readiness when asked what they want to be in the future.

     As the Career Guidance Club continues to host meetings open to all students of PPCHS, they hope to be a useful resource for those who need more direction. You can expect to see several upcoming guest speakers and their career presentations, CGC shirts to be sold, and a new club website that will soon be available for student access!