From Campus to Campus: Colleges Come to Charter

Morgan Lind, Managing Editor

   With college just around the corner for the classes of 2022 and 2023, there is still a lot of information that seniors and juniors are unaware of. For charter, this wasn’t going to be something they were going to let happen. Throughout the months of September and October, colleges from all around the country set up presentations that informed students about what they have to offer and things that might be of interest for future college students.  

   From Nova to UF and many more– including out of state schools– each college, whether the presentation was virtual or in person, shared the basic information about their schools, including campus life, education, and other things that students can experience when/if attending their college/university. For Junior Sofia Gallardo, these presentations were something that she truly enjoyed and thought were great opportunities: “Being able to attend at least one presentation allowed me and other students to know more and possibly find the right college for us.” There can be many unknowns for students when it comes to the college process, whether it’s applying, campus information and more. These presentations are set up by BRACE, which is run by Mrs.Fernandez in order to help students with the awaited college application process. 

   These new resources enable students to learn an endless amount of information about scholarships, college opportunities such as internships, scholarships and more, which allow students to form an idea about which colleges they want to apply to/attend. With these resources, junior Danelli Mejia expresses that they “have allowed me to get an overall gist of college. I get an idea of what each school is looking for and what I can do to prepare myself for that process”. With the variety of information coming from colleges from all over the nation, it most definitely can be overwhelming for students in the beginning. But with the right resources and information, the path to getting into the right college can become easier.  

   With the process of finding the right college for you, it’s also important to figure out what you want to do with the resources each school offers, specifically. Each and every college is different in the specific majors they are known for and the opportunities they have for students; for example, the University of Miami is greatly known for its medical programs, while UF has renown engineering programs. “These college presentations allowed me to learn more about each college and what they offer for students. The variety of choices and opportunities is something that’s important to keep in mind as well” states junior Sofia Benitez. 

   The many unknowns of the college application process can be daunting, and may make students shy away from looking into schools. But these presentations at Charter have helped many; from figuring out what they need to do in order to prepare themselves for applying, to  what each college has to offer in terms of majors, academic programs, and more.