Education travels far and wide, from the pencils scratching away on a flimsy paper, to meeting up with friends to continue one’s strong relationships. Citizens and travelers can witness how countries live amongst one another and the education behind it, however it has been noticed that under-privileged students in Africa are in need of help. This is where the club, Village Mentors, offers their helping hands in order to make a change.
From every continent spread across the globe, senior Hana Bushra, the President of Village mentors, says they decided on helping Africa because they noticed that they had, “the greatest number of underdeveloped communities. We want our efforts to help those who need it most”.
Hana shares that this is a club devoted to, “build relationships with young kids in Africa,” and her partner, senior Lauren Fernandez, claims it will also help in, “raising awareness, fundraising, and directly helping children in developing countries receive education.”
Lauren presents that the Village Mentors, “is one of the only ways to directly impact children across the world”, and this has grown her passions and wanting to help others, which brought her to the board today. This club is about making a difference, and Hana understands that, “small actions are making a huge difference” throughout the world.
Overall, Hana states their goal is “to expand the number of libraries in Africa and purchase resources like books and computers for them”. Education throughout countries is easily accessible and therefore taken for granted; however, populated areas like Africa are still yet to access reliable and secure schooling. With Village Mentors assisting, they will grant education for children and teens to have a beneficial learning experience and offer more opportunities in the world.
This year is no different for them, but of course, they strive to exceed their goals from the previous year. Lauren’s plans prosper as they, “are working to run more fundraisers and have other learning opportunities,” for the kids in Africa. All of the funding will contribute to purchasing donations, such as books for libraries and many more supplies to positively-influence the children’ lives.
The PPCHS Village Mentors is an expanding club that plans to lend a helping hand to countries around the world. By mentoring, providing education, and creating smiles around the world the organization offers Charter students a way to assist children in need. Serving its role to encourage helping kids in underdeveloped countries on multiple levels, the club’s expansion only continues to grow across continents.