Hello, Seniors! Welcome to Adulthood!

Alexandria Williams, Staff Writer

    March 30th marked a big day for the seniors at Pembroke Pines Charter High School. It was a day where they got the opportunity to choose and think about what career they wanted to pursue as soon as they left high school. As seniors, they are finally being welcomed into adulthood, where they are asked the question they have been asked their whole lives, and now have to answer it wholeheartedly. They now have to think logically about how they want their lives to be from here on out, and make the right choice. 

   Career day was in Mr. Sanchez’s class, who has been advocating for the seniors and currently teaching them U.S. Government/Economics. As one of the senior teachers, he took the liberty of setting up this career day for them. This career day was a very innovative way of helping students figure out their future careers, since they are given lots of information on the many different careers they can choose. When he was asked where he got this great idea from he said, “I currently teach Economics and in quarter 4 we focus on Financial Literacy. We cover topics like budgeting, investments, and savings, but before students learn about finances, they need to explore their career options to have realistic expectations of salary and benefits. Career day allowed students an interactive experience to speak with professionals across different industries and to build their network.”  He presented various careers, including “Content Creators, Counseling, Education, Entrepreneurship, Fashion, Acting, Film Director, Human Resources, Journalism (News reporter specifically), Medical, Military, Property, Management, Psychiatry, Real Estate, and Veterinary Medical.” Yet, although this year’s career day marked the closing of the seniors’ last chapter at high school, the day itself is far from coming to an end. “I would like to host career day next year with the hopes to make it a larger event for 9th-12th graders.” PPCHS is very grateful for Mr. Sanchez, and so glad that he was able to accomplish this event. This career day hopefully set these current seniors on the right track to the perfect job for them.

   This event was popular among the seniors. According to senior Stevi’yanna Lopez, “Career day was great and creative. I got to meet some amazing people and got a job offer in one day which was the best. The people were nice and easy to talk to. I got two: the fashion designer and the balloon event designer, which are careers I am thinking about pursuing.” Senior Rebecca Castillo adds that “The career day was very informative. It was interesting hearing about how their different passions inspired them to have the careers they have, and learning that not all of the paths were linear was eye-opening.” These seniors were inspired by the many presenters and loved this career day, which has overall helped them shape their future.

   This was the first year they had a career day, and it was a huge success. They’ve had college fairs before, but they have never had such an event like this.  Career day has been a major part of their lives, from kindergarten to now, and this will be their last one. And hopefully, there will be more career days to come.