Coronavirus V.S. Mr. Bayer

Paula Lillquist, Tech Editor

 Throughout the 20 years of charter history what we are experiencing is unheard of. Coronavirus has locked us inside of our houses leaving students, teachers, and administrators in a state of panic. Through all of this Principal, Peter Bayer believes that as a charter family we will persevere. He holds the utmost respect towards the people who are giving all their effort in order to go through with unprecedented time. Teachers and students have been putting in the time in order to manage the new systems. He is personally impressed that he has seen an “..incredible level of cooperation and flexibility–and a willingness to learn new things to manage these uncertain times.” There is a large learning curve from transporting all classes to online. Mr. Bayer is still adjusting, but with all of the apps- such as canva and zoom- it makes transferring to online schooling a lot easier. Recently, he hosted his first zoom call! The hardest thing is letting go of the 2020 seniors who have worked hard all their four years, looking forward to being with their classmates one last time before graduation. With the recent cancellation of grad bash, and the unknowingness of going through with future events such as prom and graduation it’s hard to look forward to the end of the year.  Mr. Bayer is personally looking “for creative ways to make up for our normal routine.” Although we are going through “unchartered waters,” with guidance and determination, Charter will stand tall.