Grab your Plates, as Clubs Celebrate Thanksgiving 

Mackenzi Charles, Staff Writer


 The month of November brings a big event to the table. Such as Thanksgiving, which is a major event that clubs in Pines Charter choose to help celebrate. From turkey to different pies, this time brings everyone and everything together to bond. Clubs in Charter set up events in which students can help others by giving them food that they may not have. Since, people eat with the ones they care about and reunite with family and friends, making it a special time for all. Not only is it meant for having a big food harvest but also to give blessings or just a simple “thanks” to others. 


“The NHS is doing a Harvest Drive right now for Thanksgiving! We are collecting boxed and canned goods to donate to families in Broward County in time to celebrate Thanksgiving.” Andria Subhit (NHS Co-Vice President)


“Yes [Relay for life has events going on to celebrate thanksgiving], not only did we have a party but we are doing a thankful project to show our thanks during this giving season. To start off, Relay For Life hosted our RELAYgiving which is essentially like a friendsgiving, but with our relay members. Everyone brought lots of good food and drinks, and everyone enjoyed themselves while engaging in inspiring conversations.” – Amogh Baranwal (President for Relay for Life)


To celebrate thanksgiving, my family and I are planning on going to my aunt’s house. There, we will feast and give thanks to all that we are grateful for.” Maia Moss-Solomon (Freshman) 


“During Thanksgiving me and my family all gather up to pray before we eat. We also throw a feast party that usually lasts all night long.” Zach Jamero (Sophomore)


“My plans for this year’s thanksgiving are very special because we’re hosting for the first time at my new house. I’m pretty excited because the house is much bigger with a lot of space and a big backyard and pool perfect for family time. I also get to get back in touch with my cousins and see how much they’ve grown. I can’t wait for the food, especially because the women in my house for sure know how to cook. And we add our own Jamaican twist to thanksgiving almost every year in my family, so this year in all will be extra special.” Mckenna Gregory (Sophomore)


“Every Thanksgiving my entire family comes over to help my mom cook and we play games and just have fun all together while eating lots of food.”Jasmyn Daniels (Junior)