The Committed Ones: Danelli Mejia

Kara Warren, Clubs Editor

   Fewer than 2%. That’s how many student athletes manage to go pro in volleyball. Among that 2% is one of Charter’s greatest, senior Danelli Mejia. A student who doesn’t just play for herself, but for her teammates, and with the hopes of accomplishing something greater in the future. Apart from the never-ending wins brought home from the Lady Jags this season, Danelli’s commitment to Florida Tech has been her latest victory.

   Like many student-athletes, Danelli began her volleyball career at a young age, around 8 years ago. Playing for both the Pines Charter Volleyball team and her outside-of-school team, The Wildfire Volleyball Academy, has only ignited the fire of passion that Danelli’s seen in the sport. “Volleyball has provided me with a platform to reach the next level both academically and athletically, while teaching me many life lessons that can not be learned outside of sports.” Some of these lessons include the concept that, “hard work beats talent every time,” and “the importance in carrying discipline into all aspects of life.”

   Even though volleyball is an important part of her life, Danelli’s commitment to Florida Tech was a decision based on all aspects of her life. “When you think of sport commitments…major doesn’t usually come to mind, but one of my biggest reasons for choosing Florida Tech was that they provided for my major in ocean engineering. In the end I am a student-athlete, always a student first.” 

   With this in mind, she made sure to establish a good relationship with her future coaches. “I wanted to make sure that where I spend my next four years is somewhere I will enjoy being surrounded by a coaching staff and team that help me achieve my goals.” 

   Like any college-bound student, Danelli has big aspirations for her next chapter in Melbourne, FL, but she’s also disappointed about leaving Charter’s Lady Jags. Leaving is not always easy, but hope remains for the future of the school’s team. “Our school has a lot of talent and some great girls to carry on the future teams. I hope they stay aggressive when playing and [continue] loving the game, even after I’m gone!”

   Though her final game playing for the Pines Charter team is slowly approaching, her legacy at the school is never-ending. A few of her teammates describing her as “incredibly talented” and “motivated” only says the least about her sportsmanship throughout her time here. With the echoing applause after a spike, quick huddles to inspire her teammates, and numerous supporters cheering in the crowds, it’s clear that Danelli Meija’s name will never be forgotten.