Congratulating Next Year’s Leaders!

Kara Warren, Clubs Editor

   It’s that time of year again! That time when all you see are colorful flyers posted all over social media with the same headline: Vote for Me! As the senior student council enters their next chapters, the remaining student council officers begin a new one! 

   Congratulations to the new student council officers for the 2022-2023 school year! While they begin to construct their plans for the next school year, many of the officers already have some ideas in mind to help raise as many funds as possible, while giving their class the very best representation!


Class of 2025:

PresidentAva Mendez: “As president, I plan to take a step in student council and lead our class of 2025 into the right direction of participating in events and growing together as a community. I know the council will work really well together, so I can confidently tell you that we’re about to have a fantastic sophomore year!”

Vice President Sofia Peralta: “Now that I’ve been elected as class vice president, I plan to work together with the other council members to plan events and fundraisers for my class. I know most of the people who also won and I’m excited to work in a team with them since I know they are hard workers. I’m also super excited to start working over the summer and next year, I feel like this year the student council missed out on a lot of stuff since the class sponsor had to leave in the middle of the year. Hopefully we can get a lot done and create a lot of fun fundraising opportunities!”

Secretary Emily Forestier: “As Secretary I plan to keep the student council organized between all the events we will hold in the future. I would like to add that I have a lot of hope for our new council of the year and that I believe we can do a lot more for our grade!”

Historian Karina Garcia: “Now that I have officially been elected, I will continue to document the unforgettable moments the Class of 2025 experiences. As well, I intend to allow the Class of 2025’s voice to be heard! My hope is that, in the following years, I will be able to record an abundance of special moments. This will hopefully range from unique fundraising projects to once-in-a-lifetime trips.”


Class of 2024: 

PresidentAnaya Andre: “Now that I’ve had the honor of being re-elected by our class, I intend to listen up so our students’ voices are heard! Next year we’ll start off with class jackets and T-shirt sales! We want to make next year a little more inclusive and involved so we plan on bringing that enthusiasm to light.”

Vice PresidentNatalie Tsung: “Now that I’ve been re-elected, we have a lot of plans in store. Hopefully, if everything gets approved, I intend on planning class trips, movie nights, candy grams on holidays, and repeating the events we’ve done this year–like the game night and Easter Egg Hunt, which were huge successes. I also plan on collaborating with the rest of the student council to design a class jacket for everyone.”

SecretaryRebekah Barrera: “Since junior year is typically the most important year for classes to raise money for our senior events (including prom, grad bash, etc.), we are definitely going to work on that as a team. But of course, it’s more than just the money we make. Being re-elected means I get another opportunity to get our class more involved and more unified. These are the kids we have our said ‘highschool experience’ with after all, so I’d love to see people come to our council for more than just the latest update on a fundraiser! Popular suggestions that we want to work on are things like class jackets, and even a council tik tok account. Personally, I’d like to spend this year becoming more interactive with everyone in our class! And of course, if we’re able to, we’d love to bring back a class trip next year! Returning to ‘normal’ has obviously been really weird and extremely difficult, but class field trips are always the joy of a school year, so we’re hoping to make that happen.”

TreasurerGavin Poore: “Being officially elected, I am so excited for all the new events and experiences our council can host next year. Once we successfully close out this year, I hope to focus on new ideas to [make] junior year awesome. As treasurer, I am looking forward to raising more money for our class prom, and most of all, getting all of our students together and engaged. Junior year is going to be an action-packed and amazing year!”

Historian Lindsey Smith: “Next year, I really want to get the class of 2024 involved in more activities. As a historian it’s my job to take photos of all our events, it’s so nice looking back at them and seeing how much fun everyone had at past events and I really want to continue that next year. I also want to hear more from the class of 2024. The student body has a ton of really great ideas. If we could hear more from them and center our activities around what they want, within reason, I think it would be a really successful and fun year.”


Class of 2023: 

PresidentAiyanna Nixon: “Now that I will be serving my second term as President, I will continue the work that I have put in so far such as continuing to fundraise for prom. This is our main goal right now. I appreciate the class for believing in me and my efforts and I will work the best way I can with my team to ensure that most of the Class’s needs are met. I’m super appreciative of my wonderful team and their hard working abilities. I feel that we all continue to push each other one way or another. We constantly show growth within ourselves and part of that comes from our amazing sponsor, Mrs.Taylor. So Class of 2023, be ready for the great fundraisers and events that we have in store for you all!!”

Vice President Jorge Munoz: “I ran for re-election because I want to do the very best for my class. I intend to listen to a wide breadth of all different friend groups and people with differing opinions so I can bring those sentiments to the council and we can make the best decisions from there. I will make a great effort to break away from that and be better.. It’s been a stressful year trying to catch up with these setbacks, but I hope to push forward into senior year and exceed our classes expectations.”

Secretary Trinity Tang: “Now that I’ve been elected as ‘23 secretary, I plan to continue the hard work we put in last year and strive towards our goals for prom. We have 3 new board members, as well as an SGA representative so we can work harder than before and make senior year the best it can be!”

Treasurer Sabrina Gonzalez: “Hello! My name is Sabrina Gonzalez, I’m currently in the 11th grade representing the incoming senior class as their future treasurer. My goal since I set myself up for the job was to include the student body into our decisions. I will make the environment as safe and welcoming as possible to further expand our experiences. At the end of the day we all want to make our last year in high school as memorable as possible. Myself, alongside my team and the class will work together to give rise to bigger opportunities and in turn end off our high school chapter unforgettable”

Historian Marko Barrera: “Well since it’s my 4th year being historian, and it’s senior year, the most important year, I’m just trying to do whatever I can to make sure it’s a success and that we finish our high school career with flying colors!”

Student Body ReporterRasika Sriram: “Our senior council hopes to make the next year our best, especially since we lost more than a year of our high school experience. We already have a ton of plans for some amazing activities and fundraisers and we can’t wait for next year!”

ParliamentarianZade Abusaif: “As next year’s Parliamentarian, I intend to ensure my class, my fellow officers, and our coordinator Mrs. Taylor all have a less stressful senior year by helping the council in various projects throughout the year. We will make sure to organize events accordingly and ensure that our prom will be exceptional, so that the Class of ‘23 can successfully enjoy their last year of high school.”

Committee ChairpersonLuz Fontana Mansilla: “I want to make sure that our class has a successful senior year packed with several fun events, great memories, and fundraisers. I’m excited to be more involved and get a look into the behind the scenes of planning the most anticipated events of tradition that come with senior year! And I’m super thankful to have been elected!”


   On behalf of the CHAT Newspaper staff, we would like to congratulate all the winners of the student council elections! We know you’ll do amazing things next year!


Note: not all class officers were featured in this story*