Students Excitingly Await the Comings of the Talent Show & Poem in Your Pocket Day
May 10, 2022
The Drama Club is hosting their annual Talent Show on the 20th of May. For the first time since online school, this talent show is officially back for 2022! Auditions are going to be held at the River of Grass Theater and everyone is encouraged and welcome to try out. The show will consist of students ranging from both Drama classes, the Drama club, and even other students from all grades. It’s a spoken word Talent Show that gives students the opportunity to share their talents with the entire school.
The theme for this year’s event is a cafe/coffee shop. Students are even making posters such as coffee signs and menus to really create that cafe environment. One of the students participating in this talent show is freshman and drama student Ashley Morejon. Morejon mentioned, “I am excited, we have been working on it for a couple weeks and I can’t wait to see how everything turns out in the end!” The prize will be determined soon and your classmates will audition to have a chance at performing in this year’s Talent Show.

In addition to Drama Club’s Talent Show, the National English Honor Society (NEHS) held their annual Poem in your Pocket Day on April 29th, which was a smashing success. Students all around campus received some of their favorite poems in a tiny scroll wrapped in string perfect to place right in your pocket! This was a day where students participated in reading and sharing beautiful poetry with one another; junior Diana Angel, first-year inductee of NEHS, expresses how “[Her] friend started handing out scrolls saying it was Poem in Your Pocket Day. Everyone got a poem including [her] teacher, some even recited their poem out loud. It was fun and took [her] mind off of the stress of testing.” Poem in Your Pocket Day allowed for students and people all over the United States to share their favorite poems with whomever they meet. Students also selected poems and posted it on social media using the hashtag #PocketPoem.
Overall, Poem in your Pocket Day and the upcoming Drama club Talent Show provide students with an opportunity to share something special with not only their classmates and teachers, but families as well. Both these events are something that students can look forward to in the coming years. Get your tickets while you can for the talent show or even take a chance and audition!