Yearbooks Signed Together

Graphic by Megan Ingram

Lindsey Smith, Staff Writer

   “The yearbook staff has worked countless hours to put together the moments we have shared together through this year… We are so fortunate to have something we will be able to look back on and reminisce about.” This is how senior and Prowler Yearbook Photo Editor Cayla Mortman would describe the yearbook as the school year comes to a close. 

   For the yearbook staff altogether, the past two years have been a rough journey of rearranging ways for students to receive their yearbook. With COVID-19 in full swing for much of that time, the yearbook signing party was out of the question. Yet, the return of in person school reignites the joyous tradition and serves as the final step into walking out the school gates and into a new era.

   As Cayla puts it, “The senior signing party is like the seniors’ last [hurrah].” The age-old tradition was put on standby for two years, but is now back and in full force for the class of 2022’s seniors. “This is when we give them the yearbook and they can go around signing each other’s books while enjoying music, food, a photo booth, and they get to hang out with their friends and favorite teachers. It’s a way for all of us to be together one last time and leave memories that we can look back on in the future.” It is sure to be an unforgettable event that will stand the test of time. For the yearbook staff, perhaps the event is even more bittersweet than for others. 

   After working countless hours on a book that showcases the many memories made around campus, seeing the yearbook out in the open for students to enjoy is a feeling like no other. As senior and Prowler Yearbook Editor-in-chief Molly Masson explains “I am super proud of this year’s book and I know my staff and I poured all of our time and energy into making it, so I’m overwhelmed with pride… Running this event is super fun and a little stressful, but it’s a really great way to honor the senior class and give them the best experience when they receive their books.” For Photo Editor Cayla Mortman, the best gift will be seeing the reactions of the seniors when they crack the spine and flip through the recap of their 2021-2022 school year. “I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s reactions when they get their book. Seeing our hard work and dedication being noticed is one of the best feelings. I can’t wait to see how everyone will like it.” 

   For administrators, the tradition sparks enjoyment and nostalgia as well. This year, the yearbook team has generously donated free books to all administrators and high school faculty. 

   For the seniors, Molly Masson relays the importance of attending the singing party, stating, “To the rest of the senior class… make sure all seniors that bought a book are there! We are going to have food, drinks, and it’s the best way to start wrapping up the year with your classmates!”

   As the final months of high school approach the graduating class, the yearbook signing party marks the end of the road, and soon seniors will be stepping into a new chapter of their lives. As Cayla Mortman says, “Coming to the signing party will be a great way to finish off the beautiful year we’ve had…As graduation approaches, it’s super important to soak up our final high school memories and live in the moment!”