Future Lawyers: Latest Update on the PPCHS Debate Competition


Cariana Pou, Staff Writer

   The Pines charter debate team continuously does great things, run by Mrs. Schwab; she has led the team through some amazing things in the past years. It is a combination of different grades where they go and compete against other schools as a group. 

   Senior Julianna Gonzalez, who is on the debate team but not necessarily on the team, is taking her last year to help prepare and mentor the underclassmen that will take her place next year. In debate, a lot of discipline and maturity is needed: it isn’t just something that people can join without having any background knowledge. It also looks good on college resumes, so many students take it for that reason, which is brought to light when it is time to really shine. It takes actual love for the team and a desire to compete, but no one would think that all of that is needed for the debate team… so don’t overlook it!

    Recently the debate team competed in a tournament: The Florida Manatee District at Everglades Highschool. They competed against schools in our current district, and Flanagan High School was the toughest competition for our team. As a group they all did pretty well, but of course there were areas that could be improved. 

   Broken apart into two teams where they participate in different events is the speech and debate side. Sophomore Aakash Suresh who went and performed at the event explained that “the team did amazing overall seeing that one broke to get into finals” meaning they beat enough people. Credit was also given to their leader, Mrs. Schwab, who was complimented by multiple students. Shivraj, a Sophomore, had his first tournament of the year and had to say that “Mrs. Schwab did a great job of  helping everyone out and giving the welcoming feeling overall to the students.”  Another compliment came from senior Julianna Gonzalez. She said that “[Mrs.Schwab] is a phenomenal teacher and coach, and goes above and beyond for her students.” The great job she does leading the Debate team and being there for her students has paid off, and will continue to pay off in future tournaments.