Winter Fantasy: the Arts in Action

Donated by Leah Torres
December 7, 2021
As the traces of autumn disappear and the winter cold settles in, the timeless tradition of staying in by a warm fire and watching movies is craved more and more everyday. While we may think this is currently nothing more than an empty wish, considering busy school schedules, Charter’s upcoming Winter Fantasy gives us an excuse to get to the relaxation early!
With live performances from all theatre classes, Dance team, Chorus Club, and Band, Winter Fantasy features the arts in a special two-hour event. From comedic scenes to musical acts, students are welcomed to sit back, relax, and enjoy a diverse show.
Although each club will put out their own unique presentation, the same excitement and drive is seen throughout all of them. The event is particularly important to Drama, which has taken full advantage of the switch back to in-person learning. Sophomore and Captain of Theatre II, Alexandria Gopee notes how they’ve “been working so hard to make up for lost time.” While Winter Fantasy will be the very first in-person performance for her and many of her drama peers, it can safely be said that having a real audience is one of their best motivators.
Alexandria further expresses her enthusiasm about all the different theatre performances, asserting that “This year’s lineup is jam packed with exciting acts and so much talent.” Of these acts is Drama 3 and 4’s Welcome to Wonderland musical piece, a reference to Alice in Wonderland, mentions senior and Co-President of Drama Club, Adeline Rodriguez.
Adeline is also historian of Chorus Club, another Winter Fantasy performer. For Chorus members, they can’t wait for the audience to hear the club’s song mashup mixed with a bit of acting. She says that “It’s a time where [they] can all show off [their] talents, [their] collaboration skills, and [their] preciseness and there is no better feeling than being rewarded with applause for it.” She even gives a closer look as she hints at a very iconic movie scene being recreated in their act.
From there, the stage only gets more active with a show from the PPCHS Dance Team. While the group has already performed live at in-person events, senior and Captain Mimi Adleman still points out the pressure to go out with a bang. They’re leaving their performance a surprise, but Mimi assures that she will give the members “the best performances they’ve done and have fun while doing it.”
For the first-time Winter Fantasy performers part of Band’s Wind Symphony, the thrill isn’t any less. Their clarinet section leader, senior Gabriel “Gabo” Guerrero-Cortes, expresses how he is “looking forward to performing for people who [they] never play for” because their usual audience consists of only family and friends. He can’t wait for new listeners to hear the band’s prepared songs, which will be a true pleasure for their ears.
Opening night for Winter Fantasy is on December 9 at 7:30 P.M., with their second performance the following day. Only a limited amount of seats will be available, so be on the lookout for a chance to see the arts in action!