Testing Online vs. On Campus
December 7, 2021
The testing week is quickly approaching, midterm exemption forms are being filled and students are studying like crazy. This year everything is back to normal unlike last year when class was online students are now required to come on campus. Testing at home vs. a classroom have different effects on everyone and with that being said people could have different opinions as to which they prefer. Here is how some of the Jags felt on the topic:
“I feel like the midterms last year were more stressful than this year because I didn’t pay much attention in class at home. Being in class and having to listen I’m actually learning something. I have yet to take the test but I definitely feel more prepared than before, which is why I’d rather be in school.”
- Junior Alessandra Nunez
“Last year was my freshman year and would’ve been my first time taking midterms in high school but it didn’t work out like people said it would. Some of my teachers didn’t assign midterms as they predicted most students would just cheat on it. That was a huge upside so this year I’m nervous and don’t entirely know what to expect.”
- Sophomore Adrianna Calderon
“I am just excited that I can stagger my test and leave when I finish, in middle school there wasn’t that much flexibility. I think it won’t be as stressful and will allow me more time to prepare and study. As far as comparing it to the online year I could imagine that it would be easier at home but because I wasn’t in highschool I wouldn’t know for sure.“
- Freshman Gianna Burbridge
“Personally I don’t think it’s any different, even online the teachers are always watching and they have a lockdown browser so we couldn’t cheat.”
- Senior Leyla Molina