Jags Get into the Frosty Feels
Graphic by Megan Ingram
December 7, 2021
For some, winter is the most cherished time of the year; it’s a break from Florida’s unrelenting heat, an opportunity to chill with family and friends, an excuse to drink delicious eggnog to unchap the lips.
Others find the weather to be a nuisance ‒ merely coldness that sends chills across their body, and spawns goosebumps that hug the skin like a blanket.
But even through the shivers, the burning sensations that irritate the nostrils, and the sound of chattering teeth, many students retain that jolly energy that emerges around this time each year.
“It’s not completely freezing outside, but it’s still colder than the S building. I get uncomfortable and start shivering. But the cold still gives me the good feeling that Christmas is close.” -Freshman Daniel Peraza
“I like the cool weather. It creates a holiday spirit. After school I change into my pjs and drink hot chocolate outside. Never too early to celebrate Christmas.” -Sophomore Daniela Caballero
“This weather is very enjoyable. It’s a break from the hot weather we have year round. I prefer this over warmer weather any day of the week. The cold forces me to wear jackets I haven’t touched the entire year. It also enhances the Christmas spirit; I feel connected to holiday favorites like The Polar Express.” -Junior Christopher Palomino
“Being born in Florida, I feel that the cold is definitely one of the main characteristics that make up the winter holiday vibe. Although I’m sure “cold” in Florida is nothing compared to other places, it is still a huge transition from the heat during summer. I always want to go out for runs in this beautiful cold weather. And I tend to associate this feeling with an uplifting holiday spirit.” -Senior Daniel Valderrama