Sweater Weather Returns One More Time

Photo taken by Jeinily Bencon.

Paula Lillquist, NEWS EDITOR

  As South Floridians, we are all familiar with the excruciating high 90’s degree heat. However, every winter season Florida seems to almost always dip into freezing weather. Throughout this past week, all Charter students have been feeling the cold front reaching all the way down to the high 30’s. 

  The climate has brought up the questions: how has this affected the lives of Charter Students? Outdoor athletes are still mandated to show up to practice and games, giving it their all despite the conditions. Grant Shamus is a senior goalie for the Varsity Boys Soccer team. He states, “With the weather being cold it becomes harder for many people to stay warm and perform at their best on the soccer field.” In the cold weather, muscles tighten in order to keep the body warm which makes it more difficult to workout and run. Additionally, cold and dry air can irritate the lungs (harvard.edu). While working out may be a small struggle, Charter athletes are continuously putting in the time and effort. 

  Junior Megan Leer states, “What I find absolutely crazy is how I was able to go to the beach this past weekend and now I’m wearing about 3 layers of clothing before I go outside.” This past weekend temperatures reached the mid 80’s and now it’s almost 50 degrees cooler. She also states, “While I have been a bit colder than usually, I actually really like this weather. It’s not everyday where I am able to wear some winter clothes.” The coldness brings new opportunities.

  This weather may not be the “norm” but that is no reason to stay inside. Take this chance to  walk outside, make s’mores with a small bonfire, or even do your Zoom classes curled up with a blanket. To all the Charter students and faculty, stay warm!