Social Media and Politics

Maxine Martinez, CO-EDITOR IN CHIEF

   As America becomes the stage for what some can argue is the most important presidential election yet, social media is a fury of posts advocating for certain candidates, discussing platforms, and highlighting social issues. But, like anything on social media, the question arises: “How much of this is factual or true?” 


   I spend a lot of my time consuming media and majority of that is through Instagram and TikTok. I am inclined to say I am a political person that has an interest in social justice and human advocacy. As a result, much of my feed reflects these issues and I see what feels, like hundreds of posts, discussing the stances of Trump vs. Biden along with general issues I fight for; including, Black Lives Matter, Indigenous rights, women’s rights, and LGTBQI rights. 


   I feel confident in my stance, but as I look at the comments I see people spewing hateful language and claiming “fake news” or slander. I see the divide growing between both sides, each one convinced that they are in the right. 


    So how does one combat this? Social media provides a wide range of information that is often left out of traditional news outlets. It can be unfiltered and raw. But that also means there’s no way to separate the truth out. That’s where your duty comes in. No matter how you consume information you should always do more research before fully committing to a stance. Half truths are not specific only to social media, they’re everywhere. 


   It’s easy for older generations to diminish the opinions and views of Generation Z and company. But, the truth is what you do with that information is just as important as where you got it. To be an active member of society one needs to move beyond the original source, and seek facts while also maintaining morality.