Pines Charter’s National Honor Society (NHS) collaborated with Promote Her Period (PHP) to hold a special packaging party, where members came together to assemble feminine hygiene products for those in local homeless shelters. The bags essentially were filled with items like period products, hair ties, lip glosses, and body lotion.
With an outpouring of donated supplies and enthusiastic volunteers, the group worked efficiently to pack dozens of these care packages. It was a meaningful project that allowed students to put their compassion into action, using their time and resources to create comfort for vulnerable community members.
“I think [these bags] would be really helpful for people who don’t have access to these products because [period products] can be very expensive.” – Luna Santana, sophomore
“We just wanna make sure that impoverished women have the supplies that they need and at least if we can’t get them everything that they at least have a head start. We’re trying to eliminate period poverty for the best part.” – Kameron Dacosta, PHP Community Outreach Director
“I feel like [this event] is just so empowering [and helpful] for [both clubs and] women.” – Madison Hall, junior
“[This event is important] because it provides women with vital menstrual products that they need when they might not have had access to it before.”- Ayden Pardo, senior
“[Similar to these bags, she feels that] Promote Her Period [will] help me [and many others] a lot when [they are] in the bathroom and [when they are in] need of a pad. [For example, students] can just go to the period cart [at PPCHS and the women at the homeless shelters can access the products given in the bags].” – Sanjana Balla, Treasurer