In high schools nationwide, students who aim to challenge themselves academically often choose between different advanced programs. The programs offered here at Pembroke Pines Charter are the Advanced International Certificate of Education(AICE) and Advanced Placement(AP). While both programs offer college-level coursework and the possibility of earning college credit, they differ in structure and the opportunities that they provide.
What is AICE?
The AICE program is an internationally recognized curriculum developed by the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. The program offers rigorous coursework in a variety of subjects, with an emphasis on critical thinking and flexibility in course selections. Students who complete a specific set of AICE courses and pass their exams can earn their AICE diploma which qualifies them for the Florida Bright Future Scholarship.
AICE course exams are scored on a grading scale of A to E, with A being the highest. The exams typically consist of written essays, data responses to questions, and case studies rather than multiple-choice questions.
“AICE impacts a student’s future more than just the college preparatory aspect. AICE being a college-level preparatory course motivates students to be more accountable to themselves and be more attentive to the finer details. Students are challenged academically and emotionally as they have to balance a rigorous curriculum while also having to put in the work to succeed at a high level,” AICE International History teacher, John Jablonka.
What is AP?
The Advanced Placement (AP) program, created by the College Board, is another rigorous academic program that allows high school students to take college-level courses. Unlike AICE, AP courses are more widely recognized in the U.S. and accepted for college credits are nearly all universities.
AP courses are scored on a 1 to 5 scale, with most colleges awarding credits for a score of 3 or higher, the exams are standardized and often consist of multiple choice questions, essays, and free response questions.
Which best fits You?
There is no clear answer on whether AICE or AP is better- it depends on the student’s goals and learning style. AICE is better suited for students who enjoy writing, research, and international perspectives, while AP is ideal for those who want widely accepted college credit and multiple-choice-based assessments.
One major difference is that AICE offers a diploma, which can lead to additional scholarship opportunities. However, AP is more commonly recognized and accepted at colleges in the U.S. and offers a broader range of subjects.
It is also very important to remember that students can take both programs at the same time! Many students choose to take a mix of both AICE and AP to maximize their academic experience. This allows them to gain the benefits of both programs and increase their chances of earning college credits.
“I have taken AICE Global Perspectives and AP Biology, and I think it was the best decision,” stated sophomore Zachary Samuels. “AICE helped improve my research and writing skills, while AP Bio gave me a solid foundation in science that I know will help me in college.”
Both AICE and AP are challenging programs that offer high school students the opportunity to stand out academically and earn college credit. Students are also given the opportunity to mix and max courses and expand their knowledge based on the availability of specified courses.
AICE and AP enables students to push themselves academically, while simultaneously developing critical thinking skills, enhance college applications, and potentially earn college credits.