Inspiring individuals to strive for change in Florida’s local communities, Victoria Eason embodies the purpose of the Youth Leadership Broward Program (YLB). Participating in monthly field trips, Eason works hard to make a difference in our society.
Amongst competition, Victoria was selected to be one of the 55 juniors given the opportunity to participate in the nine-month program. Through her grit and determination, Eason was eligible to be administered into YLB. With an exemplary overall grade point average (GPA), display of leadership roles in Pembroke Pines Charter High School (PPCHS), and recommendation from Krystal Maycock, Eason exceeded all expectations of the program.
Further enhancing her leadership skills, Eason has visited various institutions, granting her eye-opening experiences that reveal the faults in local communities. Providing insight into the difficulties of some lifestyles, the program offers a different perspective from her typical daily routine. Victoria feels that the YLB offers many benefits creating a “super fun and educational” environment.
Getting a behind-the-scenes look, Eason shares a memorable experience, “We’ve visited a jail in Fort Lauderdale and learned about the process of going in, how high risk the inmates are, what they eat…” Reaping the benefits, she’s also explored profuse career path options, “We have attended Sun Sentinel and saw how the news reports are created, and the workshop where the papers are produced.”
Reflecting on her own desired profession of becoming a nurse, Eason was able to perform life-saving interventions, such as cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). She shared, “My favorite field trip was visiting the Broward College simulation center for people who are interested in the medical field.” During the simulation procedure, searching for the sound of a heartbeat on a mannequin gave the experience its realistic, suspenseful nature.
However, she was determined to be part of a change in her local community of Broward County, Eason recounts the emotional impact left by one field trip in particular. She expressed, “When I went to visit the homeless shelter it was very shocking to see the way families live there.” This emerged a sense of urgency within Eason, feeling inspired by what the shelter had to offer as it gave “people the opportunity to gain stability in their life when it comes to school or jobs, and not having to stress about being on the street or about safety.”
Her empathy has fueled her passion to encapsulate the cause of YLB, devoting her final project to the health of Florida’s local marine life. When March approaches, Eason will immerse her peers into the realm of animal welfare, promoting her aim to “keep marine clean.” She described the of the project to involve, “… gathering people to help better the environment, by doing beach cleanups and advocating for the animals.”
Using social media to her advantage, Eason has crafted an Instagram account dedicated to the project, as well as hanging up colorful posters and signs to capture the attention of everyday beach-goers.
Through her determination to keep Florida beaches clean, Eason has demonstrated peak leadership skills, exemplifying all her work toward the community. This has allowed her to obtain many invaluable skills that will serve her in her future as a nurse.