Fantasy Football is a game that has swamped the screens of many students for weeks now. Allowing them to build a football team of their own using NFL players from different teams. These different gamers are called managers. The managers build their team of their favorite players, or ones they believe will have a good season at different positions. The manager then gets points based on that player’s performance.
Throughout different weeks, different teams will compete and based on the amount of points you have earned so far, that manager will win the game. This continues to go on until there are only two teams left for the ultimate faceoff.
However, what do the players have to do once they lose?
The punishment this year for Fantasy Football was to create an embarrassing video on TikTok, whether it was POVs or ‘3 Reasons Why I Would Be a Bad Boyfriend”.
These TikToks are super embarrassing not only for the people doing it but also for the people around watching it happen.
Talking with sophomore Alejandro Penela about what his favorite fantasy football punishment is he states, “My favorite Fantasy Football punishment is this one video where a guy dumped bottles of pee all over his head.”
However, many more different punishments have been swamping the internet. These embarrassing, but hilarious videos are fun to watch, yet the behind the scenes are overlooked. Talking with sophomore Casey Smith, who did a video himself, about how he decided to choose his punishment and if he got any backlash from it, he states, “My friend Danny forced me to do a punishment after I lost in the 4th week. After my video I was getting made fun of by my friends for about 2 weeks before it finally stopped.” So would you still do a video?
This app has allowed many people to come together for a great season of football. Fantasy Football has given us a good laugh with embarrassing punishments throughout these last couple months.
Even if people lose they are still able to watch others’ funny videos and enjoy it themselves. Will people continue this next season or was it just too embarrassing for them?