Light peeks through the window, flashing light beams on the floor, as a young girl and her mom run across shadows.
“Come catch me if you can!” The little girl says.
“You’re funny, Louise. I’m old and too slow,” her mom tries to let out, but out of breath.
In the living room is Louise’s older sister, Zara, listening to music on her phone. Their dad is at work, while their mom is just about to leave the house getting ready to go shopping.
While they are running around, Louise sees a small, gold, and pretty necklace on a table, next to where Zara is sitting.
“Mom, what is that?” She runs up to the table where the necklace is, picks it up, and gives it to her mom to show her.
“It’s a necklace that my grandmother gave to my mom which she then gave to me. I’m wearing it later this evening, strange how this even got here.”
She goes up the stairs to her room and puts it back in her jewelry box where it belongs. Louise has the thought of the necklace in the back of her mind but gets distracted when her mom comes back.
“Alright, I’m going out now, see you guys in a bit, don’t open the door for anyone. And Zara, please look after your sister.” Louise waves bye, while Zara gives her mom a fake smile as she slips out the door.
A few minutes pass by, leaving Louise wondering what to do.
“I’m bored, Zara. I have nothing to do.” Zara doesn’t hear what she says and continues using her phone.
Louise passes her and goes upstairs. She goes to her room and lies on her bed thinking about what she can do. She tries to sleep, dance, and even talk to herself.
Suddenly, she remembers that small, gold, and pretty thing. The necklace. The necklace that is sitting in her mom’s jewelry box in her mom’s bedroom.
“I want to see that necklace again.”
She runs to her mom’s bedroom, trying not to make much sound as her sister is downstairs. She gets to the room, sits in front of the mirror, and looks at the jewelry box. She eyes it and opens the box.
“Wow. This is a pretty necklace.”
She thinks about whether to put it on as she knows she shouldn’t be wearing her mother’s jewelry.
“I don’t think my mom will mind it.”
She puts the necklace behind her neck when she hears the bedroom door opening.
“Louise! I’ve been looking for you everywhere! What are you doin-” and before Zara finishes her sentence, she looks at the jewelry box and then at Louise’s hand. “What is that?” she says.
“Nothing,” Louise says.
She tries to hide the necklace quickly from Zara so she doesn’t see when suddenly a faint, but loud, sound is heard. Two halves of a necklace are in Louise’s hands.
“ Omg! What did you just do? Is that mom’s necklace that she put in her jewelry box? Why would you take that out? She is wearing it later this evening!” Zara keeps talking while Louise is in complete shock at what just happened.
“I. Just. Broke. Moms. Necklace. It was literally in her family for years, and I just broke it. And she’s wearing it later. Oh my, I’m going to be in so much trouble,” Louise says.
“I’m going to be in so much trouble? We are going to be in so much trouble, I was supposed to look after you and stay put, but no, you just went into mom’s room and opened her jewelry box!”
“ Maybe you should’ve been more responsible instead of being on your phone.”
They keep arguing back and forth, both still trying to figure out what to do while blaming each other.
“ Okay! Let’s stop arguing, it’s not going to help us. We need to find a way to fix the necklace without Mom ever knowing of the necklace breaking, okay?” Zara says while she paces around on the floor.
The thought of maybe being able to fix the necklace starts to calm Louise down.
“ So how are we going to fix the necklace?” Louise says to Zara.
“ Easy, we just need to get the part that fell off and attach it to both sides and connect them.”
Louise wonders how they are going to do that with both of their tiny hands.
“I’ve done that before, it hurts and it’s difficult.”
“Well, let us try then,” Zara says to Louise in an optimistic tone. She picks up the small, circular chain from the necklace and tries to open it. She tries but is unsuccessful. “Ugh, my hands are red. I can’t do it, and neither can you, but why not just try.” Zara doesn’t sound quite optimistic anymore.
“Okay.” Louise does the same but is also unsuccessful.
They think of other ideas and try them but don’t succeed.
“I give up,” Louise says as she plops down on her mom’s bed.
“ Whatever, at least we tried, mom might get mad at us but we are her kids so she can’t be extremely mad,” Zara says.
They both continue to talk until they hear footsteps. They both freeze in their tracks, wondering who it could be. Just then, their dad comes into the room, surprised that they are in his room.
“ What are you girls doing here?” their dad says walking up to them.
“We need help.” and “Nothing.” comes out of both Louise’s and Zara’s mouths at the same time.
Zara gives Louise a stern look, while their dad asks them what happened.
“Louise broke the necklace that mom’s grandma gave her,” Zara says with a smirk.
“Does your mom know?” their dad asks.
“No. We don’t want her to, that’s why we need your help to fix it and to make sure she never finds out about it,” Louise says.
“ I will help you, but I’m not much on board about not telling your mother.”
“But she will get mad at us. Just please help us just this once!” Louise says, choking up.
“Alright, fine,” he says.
He takes out his cell phone and searches for how to fix necklaces.
Louise whispers to Zara,” Why didn’t you just use your phone?!”
“I forgot about it and it’s downstairs. Sorry,” Zara says.
Their dad interrupts the conversation. “Aha! It says to use pliers to open and close the chains to connect them. We will be able to close them and put them back together. I will get the pliers.”
He comes back with the pliers and opens up the singular chain that connects both chain sides. Once they are connected, he connects both sides again.
“Tadaa! Better now,” he says once he finishes fixing the necklace.
“Thank you, dad! You are such a lifesaver,” both Louise and Zara say while Louise hugs him.