It has only been God and my reflection in the mirror,
My burdens too deep to share, too far to reach,
Ordeals I pray have some type of fix,
Problems that consume my every thought,
Silent traumas that go untalked,
It has only been God and my reflection in the mirror.
The tears that stain my face are prayers too heavy to say,
The guilt and trauma that marked me from a young age’s day,
But silence has always been my way,
Of dealing with it all, each and every day.
It has only been God and my reflection in the mirror.
The years of dark secrets and silent pain,
Enveloped me in ways that feel like chains,
Leaving me with nothing but a tug at my heart,
One that longs to break away, to depart.
It has only been God and my reflection in the mirror.
I am far too “young” to truly understand,
The situations that came before I was even planned,
Stories untold, but resentments remain,
It’s not my fault, I remind myself again.
God, it’s just you and my reflection in the mirror.
But God, I know now you hear my every prayer,
And every beat of my heart that lays it all bare,
My faith remains strengthened by your presence,
For you’ve always been there since day’s bloom,
And through the struggles, I remain near you.
It’s only God and my reflection in the mirror,
And that faith has sustained me through it all.