Finding your new favorite book during the holiday season

The Inheritance Games, written by Jennifer Lynn Barnes, puts readers into a world filled with detailed puzzles and complicated riddles. Avery, the main character, is trying to figure out why she was left with Tobias Hawthorne’s fortune instead of his own grandchildren. However, in order to earn this wealth, she has to become a part of the Hawthorne games alongside his four grandsons. For me, I enjoyed this series because I’ve always been one to love a hard mystery. With each riddle, a new path is created to unlock the next one. Do you think you’re ready to uncover the mystery?

Consisting of three books in total, the series brings its readers into a new, dystopian realm. The story is told in two points of views from characters Day and June, who are complete opposites. June is trying to find the person who murdered her brother, who the Republic believes Day is responsible for. After finding out the truth about who the Republic was and wanting to get back at them for the death of her brother, Day is alongside her with many others to bring them down once and for all. After being recommended this book by a friend of mine, I’ve grown to love the action within it and watching how people from opposite sides collide.

If fantasy is more on your route for a holiday read, A Court of Throne and Roses is a well-known fantasy series that many have on the top of their fantasy genre list. Following the story of Feyre Archeron, a 19-year-old huntress who is trying to take care of her whole family. When hunting, she accidentally kills a faerie wolf (a beast who had once ruled her land), which gets her kidnapped and dragged to the faerie lands. After realizing that there is a growing danger to this once beautiful world, Feyre has to find a way to stop this shadow from dooming the Fae lands.
Right from the start, I loved this book because of its well-written style. It truly brought me into their world, even if I was lying on my bed. I love the world the author has built from the ground up and how she immerses her characters into a new universe. With an immense amount of action and currently five books within this series, it’s a great book to keep you up on those chilly nights.

This is the second book to the Empyrean series, and although there has been some debate of whether this book is enjoyable, I found it to be one of my favorites. Continuing the story of Violet’s time as a rider, she has uncovered some mystery about her life. Now, she has begun fighting with the rebellion and her not-so-dead brother to help avoid an impending doom. The second book truly holds so much action and scenes that make the readers tearful and a book that is hard to drop. Soon, the third book will be on the shelves, so this is a great series to join in on Violet’s adventures that are far from over.

With Pembroke Pines Charter High School students enjoying winter, many wonder what book they should dive into. For many book lovers, all they want is for the season to end in a new world. If any are unsure of what their next favorite book may be, the listed books are books anyone should read during the season.
Many more books could pique your interest and become your new favorite book to place on your bookshelf. Although we may never get to live in these worlds, reading about them can trap us into the worlds by themselves.