After a weekend of competing at their District competition, Thespians, the PPCHS Troupe 6153, are back to put on the beloved show of the year: Winter Fantasy. Known as a popular event for the Jags, students anticipate talented yet diverse performances from Charter’s clubs and the theatre department.
From 2-5pm, Charter’s drama students have been working relentlessly to make this production one of their best yet. For the past two months, each of the respected sections within the Troupe have been collaborating and working together during class time. Vocal Coach for the Drama class, junior Zoe Cannella comments, “rehearsals have been a lot of work, countless days were spent after school perfecting the dance since we were going to [Thespians].”
Drama students have to go through multiple practices involving curtain calls, swiftly setting up props, and blocking. Additionally, students had the opportunity to bring in wrapped Christmas boxes that will be displayed on stage to amplify the holiday spirit. This allowed many students and even teachers to band together to shape the magic of the show.
There will be performances from several PPCHS clubs such as Dance team, Latin Dance, KPOP United and many more. Students will get to witness many dances and songs from their favorite clubs. For instance, the Latin Dance team will be performing a dance number to many Latin Christmas songs.
Reverol happily expressed, “[she] is very proud of this year’s lineup and everyone participating because [she] knows for a fact that once it all actually comes together, we will have a great show.” With every club at PPCHS coming together to create the show, Winter Fantasy this year will be a production to remember.
Similarly, Cannella feels that “[she is] confident it’s going to be an amazing show because of how much love, care, and time Ms. Sanford has been putting into [Winter Fantasy].” With the show holding such a strong legacy, Ms. Sanford and her team want to make sure all of the performances create a strong impact on their audience. Afterall, “Ms. Sanford doesn’t waste a second and has so much drive in her to make the show as good as possible.”