The Menacing Submit Button

Nicole Llanes, Social Media Manager

   Since the first day of school students have been preparing for the day that  was coming closer and closer: AP exams. However, this year was different considering the test having to be moved to online, which provided some difficulties for many test-takers. 

  This was the reality for Junior Danniel Barte on May 14th during his AP Chemistry exam. He was always very big on studying and being prepared the best ways possible. He participated in the practices his teacher assigned and even went a step further by watching the videos provided by the college board. During the test Danniel felt prepared and ready. Until, that one click of the submit button quickly made way to hundreds and hundreds more as the clock kept counting down to 0, and those clicks just didn’t work. He explained, “When I was unable to submit my answers for the exam I felt super stressed. I felt so frustrated because I spent so long preparing for the exam and it felt like all my hard work was wasted”. Immediately after this, Danniel signed up for the retake in June and emailed his teacher for any further information about the exam. Initially, he stated “I used to be really upset at first about taking the exam but now I’m just salty and mostly annoyed.” To further prepare for this exam in the summer, he’ll look over all his past notes and rewatch all the videos. 

   The College Board is hopefully looking in on how to better help test-takers, so this inconvenience may not happen again. For now, we all hope the best and some good luck to Danniel for his exam in June!