After a six-year hiatus, the iconic Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show made a grand comeback in 2024, captivating audiences with its dazzling runway displays and star-studded lineup. The event, once a pinnacle of prime time viewing, faced financial challenges in recent years as the brand grappled with changing consumer preferences and increased competition in the lingerie market. Sophomore Seth Yosef comments on this, imputing that “the whole show was very cheap and uninspir[ing]!” However, the 2024 show proves that Victoria’s Secret still has the power to command attention and reignite excitement among fashion enthusiasts.
The fashion show featured a diverse array of models, from veteran “Angels” like Tyra Banks, Adriana Lima, and Alessandra Ambrosio, to rising stars like the Hadid sisters—Bella and Gigi—and Ashley Graham. “It’s really nice to see that they brought back the old ‘angels’,” expresses junior Grace Castro. The show’s first-ever all-women musical lineup, featuring performances by Lisa, Tyla, and the legendary Cher, further elevated the glamour and energy of the proceedings.
The beauty looks that strutted the runway on Tuesday night offered a fresh take on the brand’s signature bombshell aesthetic. Lead hairstylist Duffy, known for his work on the Marc Jacobs runway, steered away from the classic voluminous curls, instead opting for a range of sleek ponytails, cool shortcuts, and carefree waves.
Despite the departure from the traditional VS beauty, many viewers celebrated the updated looks, acknowledging that they allowed the models’ striking features to shine. As for the makeup, the team delivered a familiar sultry smokey eye and bronzed, glowing complexion, proving that the brand’s iconic bombshell style is still alive and evolving.
Despite some criticism regarding the show’s level of inclusivity, the 2024 Show marked a thriving return to the runway, captivating audiences and reminding them of the enduring allure and spectacle that has made this event a cultural phenomenon.
Fashion industry veteran Ashley Graham notes, “As we all know, it never really catered towards women that were my size. Now it feels like a new Victoria’s Secret—it’s had a breath of fresh air. Back here, I’m seeing girls that look like me… and what’s even better, girls that look so different from me. That’s the beauty of the fashion industry today.” This sentiment highlights the ongoing challenge for Victoria’s Secret to truly embrace body diversity and cater to a wider range of consumers.
While the show did feature some curve models, the overall representation was still seen as lacking by some critics who had hoped for more progress on this front. The brand’s efforts to speak to a broader audience were met with mixed reactions, with some viewing it as a step in the right direction, while others felt the changes did not go far enough.