Alis Assists A Sibling in Need

May 6, 2020
The COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools to close for the rest of the year, which means that everyone has to stay home and complete their classes online from now on. Sure, it’s not the same as actually being in the classroom with your friends and teachers, but at least we’re still learning (somewhat). For Alis Henry, it was a bit unusual at first, especially with her younger brother at home.
Alis’s brother is in third grade. “It was more difficult before because my schedule wasn’t as flexible as it is now,” she said. “I have much more time to help him and explain anything that he is having trouble with.” Henry also claims that it affects her schoolwork because her brother is now her top priority. “Luckily, I am able to maneuver my work into a schedule that works out for me.” It’s a win-win situation for her. She helps her brother stay on task but also knows when to take breaks. “He struggles with math and science so I always try to be near him to explain a concept he does not understand.” She also reads with him to help him with the pronunciation and grammar.
Alis has a unique opinion on the idea of younger students learning online from their homes. “I don’t necessarily like online school for younger students. They depend on adults and parents, unlike high schoolers,” she stated. “When you are young and in school, many things that you learn or do not learn is what is going to set you apart later in life. Children are still learning and growing, and it’s much harder when you’re not physically in school.” Her advice for other students with younger siblings? Simply this: be patient. “Patience is fundamental to have an easier time as this transition has been quite challenging. Also, helping establish a schedule for them is super helpful because they start to get the hang of their work and ultimately, it helps them become responsible.” Patience is a virtue.
Alis is a great sibling by helping her brother out, relieving some of the stress that her parents may have. She is also a great student in which she’s able to complete all of her work as well. Keep up the nice work, Alis. It’s paying off.