On April 2 students and parents gathered in the library auditorium to celebrate and honor the newly inducted members who will make up National English Honor Society (NEHS) next school year. On this honorary evening, students got the opportunity to be officially accepted into the honor society after a year of working to promote English literature in PPCHS.
As the seats of the auditorium filled up, excitement buzzed around all the excited students and prideful parents. NEHS sponsor Ms. Sarah Phelps opened up the night with a keynote address, welcoming everyone present and giving the background of NEHS. Shortly following the introduction of the Chapter officers of the honor society.
NEHS officers took turns standing up to share the values and morals that each student acquired in order to be part of this organization. As the name of each student was called out, cheers and applause filled the room as the newly inducted members stood up to make their way in front of the library. They were greeted by Ms. Phelps and NEHS president and senior, Shivraj Singh, who handed each student their certificate.

“I see a great group of kids being inducted next year, and while I won’t be able to be there, I’m really glad that they’re going to be the returning members. As president, it’s just been so nice to lead this year and see such great and hardworking students become a part of the club,” proudly exclaims President Singh.
Vice president and senior, Sophia Lopez, handed the honoree a white carnation which is the authorized flower of NEHS along with a gold NEHS pin. Students then moved forward to a table in which lay the official NEHS registry book where students signed their names for record—a special NEHS tradition.
“I’m very proud to be officially part of the National English Honor Society. I’m really glad to see that all the work that I put in during the school year is finally coming to be and I am able to be a member of this honor society!” newly inducted member, Faith Bannosian, exclaims.
After the oath was said and the ceremony came to an end, students along with their families took pictures together at the podium with the NEHS tapestry hanging from it to remember the evening. Refreshments at the back of the library were offered with a large congratulations cake, brownies, and punch displayed.
Ms. Sarah Phelps wholeheartedly shares, “I thought that all of the details—the gold pins and white carnations, the ritual of signing of the registry book, the beautiful bouquet and cake, the fancy punch—came together to create a lovely atmosphere and meaningful experience!”
As these newly inducted members celebrate their honorary accomplishment, NEHS will continue promoting literary excellence for the years to come here at PPCHS. As stated by the honorary oath: gelast sceal mid are—duty goes with honor!