With 13 goals in this year’s 2023-2024 season, senior Madison Martone has been making her mark on the Lady Jags soccer field. Martone leads the team with the highest goal-scoring average and 4 assists.
On average, she scores two goals each game. “It’s nice to know that I’m an asset on the team and helping us get through districts and hopefully states,” she says humbly. Martone has also earned the title of Player of the Game in both the season opening game against Fort Lauderdale High School and against the Nova Titans.
Martone has been on the team since her freshman year. She’s improved and developed as a player while also building strong relationships and bonds with the other team members. Madison explains wholeheartedly, “Some of these girls I’ve played soccer with back since we were around 8 years old. And being able to play with them now shows the friendships that I’ll have for the rest of my life.”
A lot of hard work and several practices have come into play for Martone. She still finds a way to enjoy doing what she loves most by “having fun and goofing off with the team.” However, with the recent pressure of districts, she explains how it’s vital to “give it your all and put the work in.” Taking the first, 8-0, district win against Mourning Sharks, Madison scored two goals. Along with Martone, the team has worked very hard to get to where they are now. Going into district finals with rivals Archbishop McCarthy, Madison states confidently that “the team can really go far if we all put in the work and collaborate together.”
Madison advises incoming high school students interested in pursuing soccer to “try out for the team. It’s really rewarding to make connections with girls on the team and win together.”
In the midst of having an outstanding regular senior season. Reaching a goal making record on the Lady Jags soccer team, she has experienced what it’s like to win and accomplish goals with a team she loves.