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“Dues, Dates, Deadlines”: How seniors manage the stress of their final year

"Dues, Dates, Deadlines": How seniors manage the stress of their final year

As the final year of their high school career arrives, it’s time for seniors to fill out their college applications, write out their final college essays, and submit everything within the deadlines. The many dates that are listed in their agendas—some that are months away and others that are only a week from approaching—have seniors in an anxious state. However, as the Class of 2024 graduates are arrive at the finish line, they are eager to make this final year one filled with memories while also successfully balancing their 6 classes, extracurriculars, and college due dates.

College Requirements 

For seniors there is one main goal: getting into college. With achieving this goal, comes the many requirements that must be completed. 

College essays are ones of main priority. Seniors need to take the time to make their essay as best as possible for the chance of getting into their dream colleges. Once completed, many take them to their teachers for revision. 

Additionally, college applications need to be filled out and completed by specific deadlines. For example, November 1st being the early action college application deadline. This deadline was a very important date for many seniors if they wanted to be considered for college scholarships. Additionally, it gave the students an advantage over all the other students who submitted their application a lot later for regular decision. Furthermore, SAT exams have to be scheduled, most commonly more than once, in order to achieve the highest score possible since many colleges look at SAT scores as an important factor for accepting the student into the institution.  Senior, Liberty Koch, shares, “It’s the combination of getting my information ready for colleges, applying for jobs and scholarships, and doing the same work that I’m expected to do normally, all at the same time. It can get very overwhelming if you don’t manage your time well.” 

Stress management

According to the American Psychological Association’s Stress in America survey, 83% of teenagers identify school as a major stressor. This can be attributed to the constant exams, assignments, and homework that school gives students. Seniors, in fact, have to deal with their 6 normal classes in addition to preparing everything for college. 

Although senior year can be found to be a very stressful one, seniors have found comfort in their favorite sports and extracurriculars. In this way, they are able to alleviate the stress that can be caused. For instance, Senior, Camila Correa, uses cross country as a way to relieve her tensions. “As a member of the cross country team for the past years, running helps me alleviate the stress.

When I’m feeling overwhelmed and the coach sends us on a long run, it’s the best feeling ever.” Senior, Katheline Reyes, shares similar feelings when she’s talking about her two passions. “Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and Latin Dance. These two activities are my safe spaces and where I can relax and have fun.” By having these extracurriculars to look forward to, seniors are able to entertain themselves and get a break from the constant hustle of getting their due dates in place. 

Although stress can be found to be a negative outcome of this particular school year, Senior Juliette Montes finds it to be quite helpful as well.

“I love working under stress and completing assignments, so I find deadlines a fun challenge to test my abilities.” Being able to find a way to use stress as an advantage can be proven helpful for students like Juliette. 

The final outcome

Although, at times, it feels like they are drowning in deadlines, seniors can come to the agreement that the final result of their hard work is their main motivation. Senior, Coralie Richardson, exclaims “Just remembering that it’s all gonna be worth it in the end is my reason to keep going. Yes, I’m stressed out now because of my college deadlines, but at the end of the year, l’ll be graduated and I’ll be able to start a whole new chapter in my life. All the hard work will pay off.” Keeping this mentality and envisioning the satisfaction of graduating and getting into college itself is the boost needed by many to finish this year.

Advice for upcoming seniors

PPCHS seniors have one main piece of advice to give to the upcoming seniors: Do not procrastinate. Starting everything as early as possible once college apps open which is usually in early august is very convenient. Additionally, taking SAT exams starting in junior year, so the ideal SAT score can be achieved by the time needed to turn in college apps. Applying for scholarships in junior year can also be very helpful and it’s not required to be a senior to apply for them. By starting early on as many things as possible, it leaves more available time in senior year and reduces the stress that can be caused by leaving things last minute.

As seniors turn in their college applications and type out the final draft of their college essay, the end result is used as the biggest motivation to finish their final year in high school. Amidst all the deadlines and pressures that are faced, seniors have found ways to balance their stress and have a memorable last year. Wishing the Class of 2024 the most successful end of their chapter here in PPCHS. 

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