Being able to access feminine hygiene products is a privilege that not many people know, or think, would be one. Whether that is purchasing products or asking friends if they have any of these hygiene items, every female should be able to access and afford these basic life necessities. While it is only the first step of taking the initiative to make feminine products easily accessible, SGA and Promote Her, Period (PHP) hosted a drive at PPCHS allowing donations of pads and tampons to support “period health and fill up [the] feminine hygiene products at Charter.”
In 2021, SGA first introduced the idea of hosting a drive where students can donate feminine products to help fill up the feminine hygiene carts that are in the girl’s bathrooms. Now that it is officially Promote Her, Period’s first year as a club, the support of SGA makes a difference. Sophomore SGA member, Sofia Mejia, shares, “The collaboration between SGA and Promote Her, Period will be helpful with getting more donations and welcoming more people to participate in this cause that will help our community.” In having this drive, Sofia hopes it “will create a positive impact on our community by promoting and embracing women to come together and help out with these donations.”
Senior Founder and President of Promote Her, Period, Anaya Andre, has taken the initiative to bring a spotlight on this cause and use the rise of her new club to reach this goal. PHP is a club that educates students on menstrual management while also helping to end period poverty. The transferring of the carts from SGA to PHP was felt to be the best decision since this club was ideal for the job. Spreading the word about bringing in more donations was a vital part for PPCHS students’ resources and community. SGA has provided the assistance needed to help spread the word and bring awareness to the student body about this important cause. “It means the absolute world that we’re getting products to help the women in our school. It’s always beautiful to see our schools and parents supporting our girls. Seeing those donations come in really confirmed our ability to take action and build a community at Charter,” Anaya shares. Junior and PHP Co-Vice President, Fiona Findley, shares similar feelings. “It truly makes me feel happy and grateful knowing that people are putting in the effort to help us fill up these carts! It shows how kind and selfless they are toward the girls at our school.” With the current success, future drives will take place and donations will continue to be accepted and welcomed in order to fill up the carts year-round in the girl’s bathroom.
As this cause continues to be shared with the support of SGA, PHP hopes to create a safe environment for girls here at PPCHS where they are able to feel comfortable about talking and embracing their periods. As stated by Anaya, the mission will remain the same: “To make sure the needs of our school are met when it comes to feminine hygiene.” And that’s on period.