Spirit week is finally over, and we’ve all seen the crazy outfits, from giant, inflatable Barneys to Mario Brothers. But it wasn’t just students participating. Entire subject departments coordinated their costumes with certain themes on Monday, which you could’ve easily missed if you don’t have multiple teachers in the same department.
First was the English department, who each dressed up as different book genres. The idea came from Ms. Phelps and Ms. Koch, who saw the idea on Instagram and decided to encourage their own department to do the same. Ms. Altimore donned an outfit to resemble gothic literature, while Mr. Lawrence put on a sports outfit to represent sports literature.
But it wasn’t just the English department that had coordinated outfits. The Science department all dressed in alien outfits and patrolled the halls of the S building, inspecting the passing students under their otherworldly gaze, while some dressed as Men In Black. This wasn’t the first time that they’d done this either. “Every year we try to collectively do the same thing, like last year we were from Stranger Things, the Hellfire Club,” Ms. McCormick explains.
Yet, the teacher departments weren’t the only ones who dressed up. For Dynamic Duos, PPCHS Administration marched into school dressed as referees. They entered Ms. Schwab’s Debate 1 class, whistles blowing, and flagged the substitute who was in that day for many strange grievances, commended a student in a Spiderman costume, and then fled the scene, leaving the class in laughter. It’s moments like these that bring the school together and make PPCHS, PPCHS.