Driving By: A Birthday to Remember
April 23, 2020
As schools close for the remainder of the year, time with friends is deeply missed. People are not able to attend special events or spend time in person with all of their loved ones. Many are afraid of their birthdays being spent alone. However, for senior Madison Hurtado, hers was unique.
With a birthday on April 18th, she would be surprised by her friends doing something special. While some came from Charter, it was not exclusively people from this school. Around 30 in total came to surprise her by driving by for her birthday. “I felt so emotional,” Madison begins. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen them all so I was super happy I got to meet with them again for a special day.” She had been taken completely by surprise as friends would continue to drive in front of her house and wish her a happy birthday throughout the day.
For Madison, this birthday was memorable for numerous reasons. “I turned 18 on the 18th, eighteen during quarantine,” she stated, finding the numerous coincidences about her day humorous. Despite not having a traditional party, she enjoyed her time immensely. Her birthday was special in its own way.
She hopes in the future after quarantine is over she will be able to have her party the normal way, and is still excited for the future bash. While birthdays during quarantine may not seem to be the best to have, many people are finding ways to enjoy it nonetheless. With everything from Zoom calls to drive-bys, there is always a wonderful way to spend your time without risking your safety. Many of these birthdays will be remembered even more now due to the unique conditions we have been placed in.
- Contributions also made by: Khaira Kure (YB)